Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 4 Google Sketchup Assignment

Front View

Top View

Perspectival View

Closer Perspectival View

Side View

This scene is meant to be for a video game with its random elements scattered about the landscape. The area is designed with both land and water because it will provide maximum potential for exploration in a video game. There is not much detail, but the player is supposed to be able to travel on the water to transfer from island to island as well as go underwater. The planet hovering above is more terrain to explore. The diversity should keep players entertained and give them the freedom to go wherever they want.
                The complex looking hover craft is what enables the player to glide over the water and, with some imagination, transform into a submarine that can explore the depths of the sea. The random houses should provide more interactive elements to the scene and the castle is the same but on a larger scale with more possible activities. The large catapult is what launches the character to the planet above. As ludicrous as it is, I believe it will be rather entertaining. As for the volcano, any danger that can be incorporated will increase the entertainment level. The overall scene may not be much right now but it has been made at an amateur level and it is meant to appeal to a player’s desire to explore wherever they want to.

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